Wednesday, April 19, 2017

my first interview

  • how do you feel receiving the title "student of the month"?
Its an honor that the teachers and students feel i should be the student of the month.
  • do you think you could make student of the month again?
I think if I tried as hard as i did this month i could be it again.
  • do you think you get more attention from your peers and teachers?
I get more attention from teachers congratulating me and stuff like that.
  • do the teachers treat you differently from the other kids?
No, I still get in trouble if i do something wrong and i still get the same work as everyone else?
  • what are your grades like?
I get mostly A's and maybe 1 or 2 B's.
  • do you participate in extra curricular activities?
I do things after school like volleyball and I'm in a couple of clubs. 
  • Do you enjoy coming to school?
I do like coming and learning and also seeing my friends.
  • what is your favorite subject ? why? 
Math is probably the easiest for me because i catch onto it easily.
  • What did your parents say about it?
They said they were very proud  and hope i can keep up the good work.
  • How long have you been striving for student of the month?
Ive always kept my grades up but it wasn't till a few months ago i really put my focus on it.
  • what are your future plans?
I see myself going to college I'm not 100% what i want to do for my work.
  • who or what informed you that you were student of the month?
I received a note to the front office and the principle informed me.
  • how much time do you spend on school?
i spend all school hours and then after my activities after school i spend like another hour or 2 on homework.
  • what are your motivations for school?
My parents encourage me a lot.
  • do you think you deserve the title student of the month?
I there are a lot of kids who deserve it but i do put myself on the list on kids that do.
  • what was your morning and night routine?
In the morning i wake up and get ready for school and do what ever little homework i didn't get to finish the night before.
  • was it stressful to achieve student of the month?
At times i struggled and wondered if i wanted to keep up such good work.
  • does the student of the month have any advantages?
well working up to it i learned a lot of things in class and out so yes. 
  • Is there anyone who helped you get the award?
Of course my teachers taught me everything and my parents helped me get my homework done at home.
  • do you think you inspire the other kids?
i think i push them a little to strive for it.

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